Friday, April 17, 2009

Ward YM/YW Activities Calendar

I know the youth will be as excited as I am when they see these fantastic upcoming activities! Ah, to be a youth again...

Tuesday, April 28th
Deacons - Rock climbing at The Quarry - Don't forget permission slips!
Teachers - Ice fishing at Scofield Reservoir - leaving at 3pm- need permission slips
Priests - Night skiing at Brighton - Also need permission slips

Young Women - Combined activity: Quilt tying basics taught by Sister Lowe (a great skill to have in such tough times!)

Tuesday, May 5th
Deacons - Marksmanship at the Provo indoor gun club - Don't forget permission slips
Teachers - Swimming merit badge at the Springville pool
Priests - Indoor Laser Tag in Provo - Need to bring those permission slips again

Young Women - Combined for guest speaker Sister Carter from the SF 388th Ward, "Let Virtue Garnish Thy Thoughts Unceasingly"

I can just feel the excited anticipation in the air. The only downside of having so many great activities is trying to decide which group to spend my valuable time with.


  1. Bishop,
    Is there a reason that the Young Women's activities always seem to be faith promoting and FREE while the boys' activities all seem to be mostly entertainment and quite pricey? Not that quilt tying and listening to speakers about virtue aren't entertaining, but . . .? P.S. I have yet to see you sit through one of our quilting bees!

  2. Um, well, as the Ward Aaronic Priesthood leader, I feel the great responsibility and burden of supervising and mentoring these young men at their activities. As far as costs go, I have no idea what a ball of yarn costs these days.

  3. Vanessa, you forgot about our awesome scrapbooking party last month. And the month before that, the girls had a talk on how tank tops are evil even if you don't wear garments yet. We have to prepare the girls for marriage.

  4. Bishop Young, unfortunately I believe on this one you took the exact program off of your ward bulletin without exaggerating one bit. As a former YW president--I found this entry to be more tragic than funny.

  5. CTW - Well, I'm sorry you feel that way. Our Ward is always looking for great leaders, however, so join the Ward (become a follower), and make a difference!

    love - Bishop Young

  6. Wow... that is an interesting juxtaposition between the young men and young women. You forgot to say when the basketball would happen as this is the only thing my young men's group ever did!

  7. Devin - It wasn't really a mistake on my part, as just something that Ward members take for granted. Basket ball for the Young Men will continue to be played every Wednesday night directly after their regular fun activities.

    And, don't forget that Men's softball starts next week!

    The Bishop that cares,

    Bishop Young
