Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Get to Know the Ward Newbies

We're having more changes of occupancy lately than a $10/hour motel. Our latest arrivals hark from just North of the border (Utah border, that is). Please welcome Brother Jeremiah Jeffs and Sister Mary Jeffs and Mary's live-in sister Rachel. Their children are as follows:
Moroni - 8
Mariah - 7
Sarah - 7
Ruth - 5
Benjamin - 4
Megan - 3
Esther - 2
Jeremiah Jr. - 1
Cathrine - 1

There's something 'special' about the family that I can't quite put my finger on. Welcome to the Ward!


  1. Dear Bishop,
    I was wondering if this nice family might need a ride to church? It looks like they are stranded in the middle of no where. I can't wait to get to know them. They look like such a happy family. I wonder what their secret is? I would like to suggest that you have the husband, wife, and "sister?" give talks on Sunday so we can get to know them better.

  2. Are the Jeffs somehow related to Octomom?

